Residential Property Management

Community of Owners (WEG) Management

At von Rueden Immobilien GmbH a team of highly qualified experts with a wealth of professional experience will manage your residential property. Our large WEG management team is able to manage any size of Community of Apartment Owners (WEG).
We also moderate the inaugural meetings and support the smooth founding of WEGs. About 40 WEGs newly founded over the past years speak for themselves.


What can we do for you?


Community of Owners (WEG) Management

Our hassle-free package

Over the years we have focused on the management of Communities of Apartment Owners (WEG). With their technical qualification and continuous training our WEG experts are always familiar with the latest legislation. Already today we fulfil all requirements of the coming amendment to the German WEG Act. We prepare the annual financial settlements efficiently and customer-friendly, moderate the WEG meetings expediently and cooperate transparently with the WEG administrative committees (“Beirat”).

Financial settlements, supporting documents and minutes are all available in digital formats.

Framework contracts ensure that we are cost-efficient in all fields of operating costs, which is profitable both for you and for your tenants. With all utility companies and contractors we have established permanent contacts and efficient processes. This allows us to demonstrably save costs for the benefit of your WEG.

We are committed to reliably maintaining and increasing the value of the property entrusted to us. And last but not least, to securing your satisfaction.

The trustworthy, long-term cooperation with competent lawyers specialised in residential property and tenancy laws as well as a professional insurance management create legal certainty and financial security in all matters.

Wir beauftragen

Competent technical network

Our far-reaching network not only covers craft businesses from all trades but also certified lawyers for property and tenancy laws, notaries, architects, experts, financing banks and insurance companies. In this way, we do not only ensure legal certainty but also an optimum commercial and technical management of your real estate.